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Education, Evangelisation and Ecumenism

The role of the following groups is to provide members of our Parish Community with opportunities to participate in discussions, study groups, presentations and courses in order to gain a much deeper appreciation and understanding of their faith.

Please tick your areas of expertise and interest on the “flick and tick” form when you receive it.  More information and the name and phone number of the contact person for each group is available from the Parish Office.

Baptismal Preparation

Baptism Preparation is provided on the 1st Wednesday of each month by a group of volunteers who assist parents prepare for the baptism of their child. The role of the team is to ensure that parents are aware of the commitment to Christ that baptism calls from us, to make them feel at ease with the church and to discuss details of the baptism.

Click the button below to read more about the baptismal preparation program:

Catechist Group

Catechists are volunteers committed to teaching Religious Education in State Schools with guidance and support from the parish and Catholic Schools Office. The Ecumenical program provides resources to assist in the preparation of a ½ hour lesson per week. This role is shared with Catechist from other denominations and students participating in the program have the opportunity to attend a special celebration once a term at churches in the Newtown area. Catechists find teaching the scripture helps them grow in their own spiritual development. We are always looking for interested adults who may like to assist.

Ecumenism Group

The Ecumenism Group aims to develop better understanding and closer relationships between people of different faith traditions. Our inspiration comes from the Vatican 2 document Unitatis Redintegratio (Restoration of Unity). More recently, Pope Francis, writing in Evangelii Gaudium, has reminded us quoting Jesus’ Prayer that “they all may be one” (Jn 17:21). To date members have participated in World Day of Prayer, local inter-faith events, short courses and an Ecumenical service for International Pregnancy Loss Remembrance Day on the 15th October.

The group meets in the church on the third Saturday of each month at 9.30am. We warmly welcome and encourage new members.


RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is for those interested in knowing more about the Catholic Faith or are considering becoming part of our faith community. The program provides the opportunity for candidates to come to know Jesus Christ with support from members of their family and the Parish. The group comes together on a regular basis and through discussion, reflection and prayer, journey together in search of faith and deeper understanding.

Sacramental Preparation

Sacramental Preparation programs are conducted twice each year. The programs begin with Parent Information evenings to explain the program, preparation and commitment. The Confirmation and First Eucharist program is for children in Year 4 or above who have received the Sacrament of Baptism and First Reconciliation and the Reconciliation program is for children in Year 3 or above. Parish volunteers are available to assist groups in their preparation. Information regarding both programs is available from the church and Our Lady of Lourdes School before the commencement of each program.

Click the button below to read more about the sacramental preparation program:

Scripture Reflections

Scripture Reflections provide opportunity for all adults within the Parish to enrich their faith knowledge. Dates and times of sessions will be published in the Parish Bulletin. You are encouraged to continue your faith journey and join in on these courses as they are offered.

Social Justice Group

The Social Justice Group meets on the first Sunday of each month after the 9.30am Mass. The group supports the focus and direction of the Diocesan Social Justice Commission. Action for social justice is an integral part of Christian living. Some of the most inspiring and life giving actions can occur in the context of a parish community. While we need to make a stand for justice as individuals, meaningful change can only occur in the nurturing environment of a community. We welcome new members anytime.


SPRED Special Religious Development is a program that supports faith, personal development and integration of people with an intellectual disability into parishes and the general community. SPRED is an agency of the Toowoomba Diocese and has been established in our parish since 1990. The SPRED program is divided into two session types: Volunteer and Integrated Sessions. Volunteers attend 13 preparation and 13 integrated sessions per year. SPRED sessions take place in term-time for a maximum 2 hours. Being a SPRED volunteer is very rewarding, no experience with people with disabilities is required, only a willingness to learn and a genuine respect for our friends with disabilities who represent a very precious part of God’s family.

Our parish group meets on Wednesday nights from 6.30pn – 8.30pm. Some of our parishioners volunteer at the SPRED Centre.

Ecumenism Ceremony
Children's sacramental preparation
Spred groups
Spred group